What are you doing to help right now? Are you listening to the experts and practicing social distancing? practicing sheltering in place? We are barely into this and I am sure that people are already feeling like they can loosen their restrictions. Sadly, we can’t. I know that I am having a hard time with it myself but am being as vigilant as possible.
Hooray for the postal service and grocery clerks
I venture out to the PO every other day- wearing gloves and staying away from folks. Waving at friends from afar. So very strange, yet so very necessary. I applaud the postal workers and the grocery workers. I bet they are afraid too, but carry on so we can all carry on.
Sewing masks
A local group of nurses has organized people to sew masks for health care workers, food bank workers, cancer patients and the like. I am currently making masks to feel like I can at least do something to help.
Thank goodness I am a crafter and just happen to have all of the materials that I could ever need for this project! Fabric, yup- cotton fabric- yup, elastic- got it. Thread, scissors, , sewing machine- all the things. Who said hoarding is bad? I am just always prepared for who knows what! Like I always say… you just never know.Maybe that’s because I am a baby boomer and lived with people who had experienced bad times.
Having a stocked house
We are in the place now- of not really knowing. It felt very sudden- no one truly had proper time to prepare. I was talking to a local friend yesterday and she said . ” you know since we live out in the middle of nowhere we always buy extra anyway!” How true. My son said I have been preparing for this situation for 20 years. Funny, Bill.

Lentil chili
I have been hooking, cleaning and cooking. I haven’t been reading though- I should be- it’s on the list. I find myself more drawn to the computer at the moment- reaching out to people all over. Have you done ZOOM yet? I see that many are using it and it has become a necessity rather than a convenience . I did for a meeting last week and there is a possibility of doing some meditation and a bit of yoga soon. It is pretty cool that we can do that.
Listen to the experts
Our daughter just received a text message from the government to stay home!!! She lives in Scotland. That is pretty serious- she doesn’t remember ever receiving a message from the government before. Unfortunately, our country seems a bit divided throughout and each individual state is making recommendations for themselves. Not to get political here, but is that really the best? Perhaps we should- nation wide – be listening to the health officials-
Working at home
So, we are home. We are working. My husband already had an office set up so he is in good shape. I have switched things around- and I like my current set up. We won’t be having any company anytime soon, so what I have done works for now. I have taken over a room, well, two rooms really , for work purposes.
We were going to put together a separate building for my studio space this year- BUT, the way the stock market has gone, I doubt that will happen. Very disappointing, but maybe we can repurpose a shed that we have somehow. It will all work out. I’ve done without so far- this was just a dream. Time will tell.
So I can’t help thinking about the WWII situation in the US. I feel like the sacrifices they made were so much harder than what we are having to do. Stay home- stay away from others. They were able to gather- so that might have been easier- who knows. We aren’t able to get certain products since people are hoarding- or are they just scared, scared that if they don’t get it now- they never will? There should have been parameters put on purchases right from the get go so this wouldn’t happen. Too late now-
I’ll keep making masks as long as I can and take it from there. It’s a beautiful day outside after a snowstorm last night. We shoveled before it got too heavy. Gracie is thrilled _”what it snowed again!!! – ye- hah!!” boy that dog loves the snow…
I’m going to bake bread today I think-
Keep well. Leave a message- keep connected!